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Primary Reflexes Are Like Highway Builders
How is it possible that primary reflexes sometimes persist, and what can we do to inhibit them?
ADHD stands for Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, which is a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects both children and adults....
Links between SLI, Motor Development and Literacy Acquisition in Children
Links between SLI, Motor Development and Literacy Acquisition in Children.
Dyslexia and dysorthography
Dyslexia is a specific reading disorder, either congenital or acquired through brain damage. It is the most common form of specific...
Specific learning disorders
" Specific learning disorders" is a collective term for a diverse group of conditions that manifest as significant difficulties in...
Dyspraxia is a specific developmental disorder of motor function, defined as an impairment or immaturity in the planning and organization...
The development of children from 1 to 3 years old
the first year of life, we could predict quite accurately when a child would acquire certain skills. However, the older the child gets,...
Neuro-Developmental Stimulation in school practice as a tool for inclusion.
Article published at: VOLEMANOVÁ, M. (2017) Neuro-vývojová stimulace ve školní praxi jako nástroj k inkluzi. Integrace a inkluze ve...
Primary reflexes and their influence on motor and speech development
Annotation The development of motor skills, primary reflexes, and speech are interconnected. But how exactly? I work daily with children...
Primary reflexes in a newborn
"Primary reflexes play a crucial role in aiding the baby during the birthing process and serve a vital function in the first few weeks of...
Psychomotor development of the child
We must approach the child's development comprehensively. It concerns not only motor skills but all aspects of personality, including...
The risk factors for persistence of primary reflexes
The development of motor skills and the trajectory of development are an excellent indicator of the proper maturation of the nervous...
Primary reflexes in preschool children
Primary reflexes have the potential to cause poor coordination of movements, deficits in fine motor skills, issues with pronunciation,...
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